Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A.5. MSCU & Stewardship

The Stewardship in Action program at Mennonite Savings and Credit Union (MSCU) focuses on advancing Peace, Social Justice, and Mutual Aid programs within our communities.

Through the program, MSCU seeks to address a wide variety of issues that are relevant to our members and our faith communities.

This includes a response to environmental issues.
MSCU’s response to environmental issues is rooted in peace and social justice and is achieved through creating partnerships with the Amish, Mennonite and Brethren in Christ church communities.
As responsible stewards of God’s creation and the financial resources entrusted to the credit union, MSCU is challenged to address environmental issues through what they do best — financial services.
Because financing is one of the major barriers to going solar, MCCO approached MSCU to contribute to the MISE program by developing financing loans and tools for our shared constituents.
MSCU’s newest initiative is Creation Care Loans, developed in partnership with MCCO.
These loans offer MSCU members a reduced interest rate for solar panels and other creation care projects and address the financial barrier issue to solar energy projects.